The Domesticated Dog
One factor around domestication is the ability to adapt to the environment. Wild animals do not have this capability, and this results in animals going extinct because they could not adapt to changing environment.
When we hear the word “domestication”, many of us will almost immediately think of dogs. Dogs are one of the best examples showing how domestication occurred through thousands and thousands of years, and how they have become an integrated part of our lives. Dogs have been designed to be family companions, working dogs, or guard dogs, because that is what we want. Dogs can easily adapt to their surroundings and people, because we have given them the capability to do so, and they will most probably be around for many years to come, as long as people give them the opportunity.
To me, it sometimes feels, that because we were so successful with domesticating dogs, we think we can achieve the same success with other animals. If you look throughout history, you will find information about humans keeping cats, birds, reptiles and other animals as pets. Yet, not many of these “pets” have been such a big success story to domestication: cats, albeit not being domesticated nearly as long as dogs, have also started to share their homes with humans, although they still have some of their “wild genetics”, like hunting, walking around etc, which could be a problem for owners.
What about a parrot?
So, what about parrots? Where do they fall in on the spectrum? If someone asks me if a parrot is domesticated, I will immediately answer “no”. Because they aren’t. If that same person tells me, but my bird loves me and is part of my family, my answer will most probably be: your parrot is tame and has learned to accept what he must to be part of your “flock” to survive. Again, we, as people, decided we have a need for a parrot: be it as something beautiful to look at, to appreciate their intelligence, or just have a small living creature in our mists. Just because we decided to make them part of our lives, does not mean they are domesticated.
If you look at the history of parrots, many of the parrots we have in our homes today, are one, maybe two generations removed from their wild families. What does that mean? This means they have not yet been domesticated enough through generations to curb their wild instincts: their parents or even grandparents were most probably poached in their natural habitat, brought into human civilisation, and we made the decision to either sell this parrot as a companion, or breed with him/her, to sell their offspring as companions. Just because we removed them from the wild, does not mean their instincts, genetics or behaviour have all of a sudden been “domesticated”.
Reality check:
Parrots can be tamed, but they are still wild animals. Just because they are tame does not mean they will not stop from screaming, biting, destroying, flying, causing chaos or even taking part in self-destructive behaviour, such as feather plucking. Parrots have the biological urge to scavenge, fly, and find a mate: they cannot shut off their natural instincts to fit in with human needs. We, as the caregiver and companion owner, must be able to adapt to their ways and give them the best opportunity to express their natural behaviours in a safe and acceptable manner, yet still be realistic about the fact that they are wild.
Before making a decision to adopt a parrot, ask yourself the following questions:
Can I handle the mess, because my parrot needs to forage and find the best food for himself?
Can I handle the screams, because parrots are naturally vocal, loud, call to their flockmates, and tend to be more vocal at dawn and dusk?
Can I accept the responsibility to provide my parrot with a lot of enrichment, love and opportunities to express his natural behaviours?
Can I accept the fact that my parrot will go through hormonal changes, because that is how their bodies are genetically wired, and I might be at the receiving end of the bites, screams and mating behaviour?
Can I accept that my parrot has limited expressive capabilities and might bite, attack, scream or fly away if they get frustrated, excited, scared or angry?
Can I accept that my parrot might still feel frustrated and under-stimulated, and might start engaging in problem behaviours, even if I did everything I could to keep him happy?
Can I accept that this is a long-term commitment and that my parrot might outlive me and my family?
Can I accept the fact that my home will never be the same and that this living creature will give me mountains of happiness and joy?
These are the reasons why not every family is suited for a parrot and the parrot life. Having a parrot is difficult, but we chose them and love them, and we have to stay committed to them.
Lizelle Chapman
DiptCABT, COAPE MHERA qualified
MISAP, Diploma in Parrot Behaviour