Living in an apartment building means there are certain communal rules and guidelines that people need to respect. That’s also the case when it comes to noise. A noisy bird can be a problem in such a setting and can cause conflict with your neighbors if the noise is too loud and persistent. You also can’t have a bird which will be very destructive and potentially damage the apartment you are renting. Here is a list of birds who will be best suited for apartment living:
The budgie- They are one of the most popular pet birds in the world and for good reason. Budgies are not destructive and are not loud although they do chirp a lot. Budgies can also be tamed and trained to step up onto your hand.
The lovebird- Lovebirds are similar to the budgie in the fact that they are not loud but do chirp a lot. You can get a single lovebird and build a bond with it or you can get a pair.
The parrotlet- Similar in size to the lovebird, parrotlets are full of energy and personality but do not make any loud noises that could upset your neighbor.
The cockatiel- One of the sweetest parrot species, the cockatiel will be an excellent apartment companion. They are known for their fun whistles and playful personality.
Canaries and finches- while these are not parrots, they are great pets to have. They are very entertaining to watch and are full of adorable chirps that will not upset your neighbor. They are best kept in groups as they are not very handleable.
Poicephalus parrots- Senegal/Meyers/Red-bellied parrots (and other poicephalus species) are great birds. They are friendly yet independent. They do have the potential to scream just like any other parrot, but it is not as loud as larger birds. Senegal parrots are also great at learning tricks.
The green cheek conure- This beloved conure species would do well in an apartment home. They are very friendly and don’t tend to scream.
Doves or pigeons- These are very sweet birds that are not loud at all. They are also very unlikely to be destructive. You can train your dove or pigeon to wear a flyper (a bird diaper) so that they do not poop all over your home.
Pionus species- These parrots are generally very easy-going and typically quiet birds. There are a variety of pionus species such as the Maximillian and bronzewing parrots.
The Lineolated Parakeet- These friendly birds are family-friendly as they don’t tend to become one-person birds.
Any of these birds will be great apartment companions but will still need a decently sized cage and plenty of out-of-cage time. These birds may be quieter but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are low maintenance. They still need plenty of daily mental and physical stimulation.